Step 1: Form the Team


Starting any service acquisition requires an integrated, Multi-Functional Team (MFT) effort. It takes many perspectives to understand and develop the requirement and the acquisition strategy to achieve the needed mission outcomes. Therefore, the first step in effective service acquisition is Forming the Team.

The following are the key outcomes of Forming the Team. Completing these team building actions will ensure you have a team that will be successful in creating a solid foundation for your acquisition.

  • Ensure senior leadership is involved and supports the effort
  • Get the right people on the team
  • Identify Stakeholders that are impacted by the outcomes of this effort
  • Develop a Communication Plan to keep those stakeholders and others informed of the status and direction of what you are doing
  • Create a project library to maintain your knowledge base
  • Identify and plan for needed training as you move through this acquisition

To assist in your service acquisition training, watch the step 1 overview video above.

Testimonial: Forming the Team