Step 5 | Conduct Data Requirement Review Board Meeting(s)
In Step 5, conduct a Data Requirement Review Board (DRRB) meeting(s). This is another important step to
authenticate and validate Request For Proposal (RFP), solicitation, and contract data requirements,
including the data and corresponding SOW tasking requirements. This step almost always reduces the number of
CDRLs and further tailors each CDRL, which results in a large cost avoidance to the DoD.

Basically, a DRRB is when each CDRL author presents his/her draft CDRL(s) to independent members of the DRRB, who are
vested with the decision authority for all DRRB actions. At this meeting each CDRL is reviewed with the DID
and SOW/PWS in minute detail to ensure the data is necessary, meets the minimum needs, and is in accordance
with the life cycle needs as established by the Acquisition Strategy, Life Cycle Support Plan, System
Engineering Plan, Test Evaluation Master Plan and Intellectual Property Strategy documents. The
results of the DRRB should include an agreed upon list of defined data requirements that will go into the
Review the data to be delivered and ensure:
- Intended users agree with data requirements of proposed procurement.
- Data requirements are clearly
stated in the SOW/PWS and traceable to the contract reference in Block 5 of the DD Form 1423.
- Only
essential, minimum data is acquired (NOT unnecessary data).
- All DIDs referenced are current in ASSIST,
or are a one-time approved DID.
- Each Data Line Item, has an assigned exhibit.
- Approval
requirements, delivery dates, and deferred delivery of data are reasonable, consistent with program
schedule, and properly specified on DD Form 1423s.
- Adequate quality and/or warranty provisions are in
the contract to ensure data produced/delivered will meet its intended use.
The DRRB Lead should:
- Determine the appropriate members of the DRRB
- Establish standing procedures (SOP) for the DRRB
- Identify who will chair the DRRB
- Outline each member’s responsibilities (be specific)
- Include and Organization Chart with POCs (names and titles of each member)
- Ensure minutes are recorded and action items tracked
- Document approval or reasons for disapproval of each data item submitted for review and action items signed
- Distribute minutes, action items (and closure) to members
- Provide minutes to all planning “data call” respondents
Some DRRB Recommended Activities:
- Only order minimum quantities
- Ensure duplicate data are not ordered
- Consider the use of the contractor’s format
- Use of data updates by means other than total resubmission
- Use of preliminary or informal data to meet initial needs
- Can red line updates suffice
- Conduct an Industry Day regarding data management and data rights
- Balance among
competing program objectives. To balance performance, life cycle cost considerations, and at the same time,
be properly tailored to ensure that essential operational and sustainment requirements are maintained. This
is the hard part and involves the necessary critical thinking with everyone involved in data
- Tailor the DIDs via the CDRL Block 16
“Does anyone in the government read these CDRLs?”
- Quote from a Program Manager for a large commercial company
Program Management Office conducted a DRRB to verify that each CDRL was required and
necessary. This action reduced the initial $9.8M cost for the data in half.

Conduct Data Requirement Review Board meeting(s), revise tailored CDRLs as directed
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