Independent Technical Risk Assessment (ITRA)


Pursuant to Section 2448b of Title 10, U.S.C., after 1 October 2017 Congress began requiring the Department to conduct Independent Technical Risk Assessments (ITRAs) on Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) in advance of milestone and production decisions. ITRAs provide senior leaders with an independent view of program technical risk, including the maturity of critical technologies and manufacturing processes.

The OUSD(R&E) Engineering team conducts ITRAs on Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID programs for USD(R&E) approval and maintains the policy and guidance for ITRAs. The Services or Agencies will conduct ITRAs on ACAT IB/IC programs with the approval authority determined by the USD(R&E). When the USD(R&E) determines that the ACAT IB/IC program's ITRA should be approved by the USD(R&E), the OUSD(R&E) Engineering team works with the Service/Agency to process that assessment for USD(R&E) approval. For further information about ITRAs, please consult the DoD ITRA Execution Guidance.

ITRA Technical Risk Areas and Factors

The Defense Technical Risk Assessment Methodology (DTRAM) contains the seven factors and associated criteria used to assess technical risk in eight areas. These factors and technical risk areas are listed below.

Technical Risk Areas

  1. Mission Capability
  2. Technology
  3. System Development & Integration
  4. MOSA (Modular Open System Approach)
  5. Software
  6. Security/Cybersecurity
  7. Manufacturing
  8. RAM (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability) & Sustainment

Assessment Factors

