Image of gears spinning in mind connected to different electronic devices



This guide is organized according to the eight technical processes and eight technical management processes which make up the systems engineering process. These 16 processes together provide a structured approach to increasing the technical maturity of a system and increasing the likelihood that the capability being developed balances mission performance with cost, schedule, risk, and design constraints.

Graphic of the systems engineering process. The systems engineering process consists of 8 technical processes: stakeholder requirements definition, requirements analysis, architecture design, implementation, integration, verification, validation, and transition. These are used during decomposition and realization of the system. Operational needs become delivered capabilities (IOC/FOC), requirements become validated solutions (OT&E), designs become products (DT&E). Technical management processes are used throughout the lifecycle: decision analysis, technical planning, technical assessment, requirements management, risk management, configuration management, technical data management, interface management.

In addition to the SE process, you will also find considerations that should be investigated during the design process. Each item in this guide contains detailed information as well as curated resources for further research. Choose from any of the items in the menu to learn more.

Site Contents

Technical Processes

Used to design, develop and analyze the system, system elements and enabling system elements.

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Management Processes

The foundational, enabling processes used consistently throughout the system life cycle to help manage system development.

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Design Considerations

Individual items to be investigated during the design process to achieve better mission performance.

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