CMI101 - DCMA Multifunctional Orientation

DCMA learners should use Edge as their browser. Follow instructions to access documents, watch a video, and participate in an interactive scenario and a learning forum. Download documents to a DCMA Orientation folder that you create so that you can use them later as resources when you perform the work.

Mantra to Guide CRR

Mantra Graphic - Read the contract to identify the requirements

You and members of your multifunctional team will perform various aspects of CRR such as:

  • Reading the contract to understand contractual requirements including complex or special requirements
  • Identifying functional support required to manage the contract
  • Identifying contractual deficiencies
  • Ensuring data integrity
  • Initiating a Post Award Orientation Conference (PAOC), as necessary

The CRR mantra simplifies your role. Watch the Voices of Experience video to hear how the multifunctional team views CRR in their daily work.

Select the play button.

Basics of CRR

document icon

Learn why CRR is so important, types of DCMA contracts, and some actions of your multifunctional team during CRR. Select the icon to read The Basics of CRR.

How to Read a Contract

Select "Access the Scenario" first to participate in an interactive scenario about contracts. In the scenario, you will compare a large personal purchase with a DCMA mock contract and then walk through each section of the DCMA mock contract to build an awareness of what should be included in those sections. Complete the scenario and then read about Clauses and References. Next, read the Guidelines which will be a useful reference on the job. Complete the Clauses Activity before moving to the next section. Allow approximately an hour and a half to complete this section.

Overview of the Contract Deficiency Report (CDR)

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During the contract review process, you may find inconsistencies in contract clauses, outdated clauses, or administrative deficiencies (e.g., missing Accounting Classification Reference Numbers (ACRNS), incorrect Department of Defense Activity Address Codes (DoDAACs)). These deficiencies may cause delays in production, shipment, and may affect payment and contract closeout.

Select the icon to learn more about CDR.

Overview of Contract Modifications (Mods)

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A mod is any written change by the Contracting Officer to the contract terms and conditions. It can be issued at any time after the contract is awarded. Examples include:

  • A deficiency, such as missing clauses or documents
  • Any changes to requirements (e.g., technology maturity/obsolescence)
  • Change to payment office or delivery locations
  • An update to a clause (e.g., de-obligate excess funds or cancel funds for contract closeout)

Select the icon to learn more about mods.

Networking Guidance

networking icon

Read the Networking Guidance to receive your assignments and to learn all you need to know about networking and posting with others in the networking learning forum. Select the icon.


Schedule your individual networking meetings when you are ready to perform CRR.

Document IconPrepare for networking by learning more about clauses. Select the icon.


Learn from each other. Share ideas, answer thought-provoking questions, and develop critical thinking skills as you journey with this community during your first months at DCMA. Access the networking learning forum and post responses for your assignment.