Item Unique Identification


Item Unique Identification (IUID) is a systematic process to globally and unambiguously distinguish one item from all the other items that DoD buys or owns. IUID-enabled Serialized Item Management (SIM) provides a capability that allows DoD to locate, control, value and manage its assets throughout the life cycle. A robust SIM program provides tools and processes to assist informed decision making to achieve both better weapon system reliability and readiness at reduced total ownership cost. IUID-enabled SIM provides DoD with a standard methodology to:

Role of the PM and SE

Program Managers (PMs) and Product Support Managers should budget, plan for and implement IUID-enabled SIM as an integral activity within MIL-STD-130 (Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property) requisite item identification processes to identify and track applicable major end items and configuration-controlled items. IUID implemented in accordance with DoDI 8320.04 and IUID Implementation Plans are required for all milestone decisions as directed by Adaptive Acquisition Framework Document Identification (AAFDID) tool. IUID-specific design considerations are required in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) and SIM planning and implementation required by DoDI 4151.19 are addressed in the Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP).

The Systems Engineer considers what to mark and how to incorporate the IUID mark within MIL-STD-130 item-marking requirements when formulating design decisions. In addition, the Systems Engineer considers where product and maintenance information reside and how the life-cycle data are used within the configuration management and product support systems -- including new and legacy information systems.

The DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items provides guidance on implementing IUID intended for use by Department of Defense (DoD) contractors and their suppliers, who put unique item identifier (UII) marks on new items during production, as directed in the contract.

Products and Tasks

Product Tasks
10-14-1: Develop program IUID requirements for evaluation of contract offerors’ and source selection
Note 1: IUID is initially implemented by the system contractor, who must develop the original data base elements required for life cycle support
  1. Identify program requirements for item unique identification (IUID)-enabled serialized item management (SIM) in the capability development document (CDD) and capability production document (CPD).
  2. Develop IUID-enabled SIM information for inclusion in the request for proposal (RFP).
  3. Evaluate offerors’ IUID-enabled SIM proposals as part of the source selection process.
10-14-2: Develop IUID system
  1. Analyze the program’s system maintenance philosophy and results of the level of repair analysis (LORA), documented in the life cycle sustainment plan, and each potential property item from the product baseline to determine item unique identification (IUID) applicability.
  2. Analyze the operational environment of the property items.
  3. Analyze the composition of the property items.
  4. Analyze the placement and structure of the property items on the system’s end and enabling products.
  5. Develop a durable marking method for each property item based on IUID analyses.
  6. Document IUID application items and marking methods and incorporate into system documentation.
10-14-3: Analyze and determine adequacy of IUID surveillance program requirements
  1. Obtain contractor’s IUID system documentation.
  2. Verify and validate that IUID marking methods for each property item type are in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-130N.
  3. Verify suppliers have implemented a system that properly updates the DoD IUID registry.
  4. Verify the IUID data collection system employed by the system developer addresses engineering changes.
  5. Verify the system developer’s statistical process control system addresses IUID requirements.
  6. Verify the prime system developer’s quality assurance plan properly addresses IUID requirements.
  7. Document verification of system developer surveillance program that monitors the developer’s efforts to meet system life cycle IUID requirements.

Source: AWQI eWorkbook


Key Terms

Policy and Guidance

DAU Training Courses


On this page

  1. Overview
  2. Role of the PM and SE
  3. Resources
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