Intelligence (Life-cycle Mission Data Plan (LMDP))


In collaboration with the intelligence community and the operational sponsor(s), the Program Manager (PM), with support from the Systems Engineer and Chief Developmental Tester, is responsible for planning, identifying, documenting, communicating and programming for life-cycle intelligence mission data support (see Systems Engineering (SE) Guidebook, Figure 5-1 below and DoDD 5250.01.)

Modern weapon systems are inherently dependent on a variety of scientific and technical intelligence products throughout every stage of their life cycle. Hence, planning for intelligence Mission Data (IMD) support, which informs design and development trade-offs, risk assessments and decisions is essential to satisfying system requirements. Similarly, communicating IMD requirements to the DoD intelligence community that supplies the necessary intelligence data is critical to achieving system capabilities.

Modern weapon systems are often intended to operate in threat and target environments throughout the world in multiple domains. System design decisions, development trade-offs and advanced technology insertion may be optimized, thereby creating sensitivities to changes in adversary capabilities in the threat and target environments. Critical intelligence parameters (CIP) represent key performance thresholds of foreign threat systems, which, if exceeded, could compromise the mission effectiveness of the system in development. Therefore, these CIPs (for example, radar cross-section, armor type or thickness or acoustic characteristics) should be identified and communicated to the intelligence community for tracking and immediate notification if breached. In order to address threats as they emerge and change over the program???s life cycle, the PM, Systems Engineer, System Security Engineer, and Lead Software Engineer should continuously engage with stakeholders to identify how threats are expected to evolve and use this information to ensure the system architecture is flexible to the maximum extent practicable so system updates can be made efficiently and effectively to address these threats. See Intelligence Guidebook for more information on CIPs.

Intelligence life-cycle mission data planning is necessary to effectively:

Figure 5-1. Intelligence Mission Data Life Cycle Timeline (Major Capability Acquisition Pathway)

image depicting the intelligence mission data life cycle timeline across the acquisition phases

The Intelligence Guidebook provides key linkages to the system performance specification (sometimes called the System Requirements Document (SRD)), Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) and Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP). These three products are directly affected by IMD requirements.

Products and Tasks

Product Tasks
10-12-1: Develop life cycle mission data plan (LMDP)
  1. Identify system functions driving the need for intelligence mission data (IMD), either directly or through derived requirements.
  2. Identify intelligence mission data (IMD) for systems / subsystems / components to be developed, modified, or procured.
  3. Identify potential IMD requirements for inclusion in the life cycle mission data plan (LMDP).
  4. Determine resource requirements for identifying the intelligence signature, and intelligence mission data, production, and collection requirements.
  5. Document IMD resource requirements and submit to decision maker.
  6. Verify IMD-related schedule events are placed on the integrated master schedule (IMS).
  7. Document IMD requirements in the system engineering plan (SEP), acquisition strategy (AS), and test and evaluation master plan (TEMP).
  8. Prepare and submit the draft LMDP to the decision maker for intelligence mission data center (IMDC) action / approval.
10-12-2: Validated intelligence mission data functionality
  1. Receive the approved life cycle mission data plan (LMDP) from the intelligence mission data center (IMDC).
  2. Develop a risk assessment and mitigation plan to address the impact of any intelligence mission data (IMD) shortfalls in the LMDP.
  3. In conjunction with test and evaluation, develop technical performance measures to measure progress in IMD performance.
  4. Identify IMD test requirements for verification and validation of detection and identification functionality.
  5. Determine sensor functionality technical risk, and develop mitigation activities for inclusion in the test and evaluation master plan (TEMP).
  6. Develop acquisition documentation to design, develop, test, and evaluate IMD dependent sensors, systems, processes, and interfaces.
  7. Coordinate estimated IMD delivery requirements with projected test schedules.
  8. Verify IMD reprogramming process is in place to change / over-write IMD assets.
  9. Document validation of IMD requirements, functionality, testing, and delivery schedule, and submit to decision maker for inclusion in the program documentation.

Source: AWQI eWorkbook


Key terms

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On this page

  1. Overview
  2. Intelligence Mission Data Timeline
  3. Resources
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