
Once a contract is physically complete and has successfully moved to Section 2, the completion of the Contract Closeout Checklist (DD Form 1597) is required to ensure all applicable closeout administrative actions take place. This checklist outlines the actions that must be completed for a FFP contract closeout.
The purpose of this checklist is to ensure all closeout actions associated with FFP contracts have been addressed and documented before the ACO begins the process to close the contract in Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS). The completion of the checklist is required as it is saved in the official contract file once completed and signed.
Use this checklist with the FFP Closeout Job Aid to assist with the steps to close out FFP contracts. Once all required closeout actions have been completed and the checklist has been filled out, printed, and signed, the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) should begin the steps to close the contract in MOCAS manually or by using the MCC (MOCAS Contract Closeout) e-tool. Once the contract is closed manually or by using the MCC e-tool, the ACO will upload the signed checklist into the official contract file.
A job aid on FFP Closeout is also available using the link available. JA-02: Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Closeout Interactive Job Aid.
Note: When using the print feature, ensure headers/footers are not selected/disabled when the print settings appear.
Yes | No | N/A | Comments | |
Has final acceptance been received? (“Z” DD 250) |
Is the final acceptance entered in MOCAS? |
Is the LISSR balanced? |
Is the contract in Section 2? |
Is the ULO balance equal to $0.00? |
Have all subcontracts been closed? |
Are there remaining funds on the contract? |
Has the ACO Notebook been annotated regarding the remaining funds? |
Are there excess funds? Has the PCO been notified? |
Have excess funds been deobligated with a modification? |
Has government property been cleared? (R9 Code 55) |
Has plant clearance been received? |
Has the Industrial Security Office been notified (for classified contracts)? |
Have final royalty reports been received from contractor? |
Has clearance for the final royalty reports been received from PCO? |
Has the final Report of Inventions (DD 882) been received from contractor? |
Has clearance for the final Report of Inventions been received from PCO? |
Has the final invoice been submitted and contains a “Z” suffix? |
Is the final NLA or DD 1594 signed and processed by ACO? |
Has the contract moved to Section 5? |
For non-MOCAS contracts: Has the DD 1594 been completed and placed in the contract file? |