??? DAU Contracting Subway Map
Image of subway car arriving at station

Contracting Subway Map

Developed by Michelle Currier, Professor of Contracting, DAU


The purpose of the subway map is to provide you with a generalized order of events in the acquisition contracting process. Click on any of the blue links to learn more about a particular activity. References to the FAR or DFARS jump directly to Acquisition.gov. Depending on your specific program, activities may be sequenced differently.

Map Information


Industry Engagement

Acquisition Planning


Proposal Evaluation

Contract Award

Contract Administration


FAR Based Negotiated Acquisition

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Transfer to Solicitation
Solicitation and Evaluation Periods
1 Protest Solicitation Issues
FAR 33.103(e)
2 Clarifications Exchange
3 Communications Exchange
4 Discussions Exchange
5 Bid Protests FAR part 33
Transfer to Proposal Evaluation
Transfer to Contract Award
Post Award Debriefing FAR 15.506
Transfer to Contract Administration
Post Award Orientation FAR part 42

Considering an alternative approach?

Check out all the current innovations in government contracting

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Additional Resources

The subway map is not an exhaustive list of all DAU contracting resources. For further research, use the search features on dau.edu and DAU Media to find more information about the stops listed.


Help make the contracting subway map the "go-to" interactive tool for all acquisition professionals! To submit ideas for improvement or suggest resources for linking within the map, please send an email to SubwayMap@dau.edu.