Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) and/or Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) Closeout Checklist


Movement of a BOA or an IDC to Contract Administrative Report (CAR) Section 2 prompts the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) to perform closeout actions. This checklist outlines the actions that must be completed for BOA and IDC closeout.


The purpose of this checklist is to ensure all closeout actions associated with BOAs and IDCs have been accomplished in accordance with DCMA Policy.


The ACO may use this checklist to close out BOAs and IDCs. Once the checklist is completed, it should be signed and dated by the ACO.

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Step Action Yes No Date
Closing out a BOA
1. Are all delivery orders complete and closed? The BOA and IDC stay in Section 1 of Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS) until all delivery orders are complete and closed.
2. After verification that all orders are complete and closed, did the ACO complete a DCMA Form 1797 with documentation showing no open orders?
3. Did the ACO forward the DCMA Form 1797, a MOCAS screenshot of the BOA/IDC expired period of performance, and MOCAS screenshot(s) or other information to prove there are no open orders under the BOA/IDC to the Trusted Agent (TA)/Procurement Technician (PT) so the TA can move the BOA from MOCAS Section 1 to Section 2?
4. Did the ACO process the closeout via the Contract Closeout etool or via MOCAS, applying a “G” and “F” notice of last action (NLA) in the same cycle? (Same day you move the contract to Section 2, this action must be done.) This will result in the transmission of the PK9/EDI 567 to the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO).
5. If applicable, did the Special Programs forward a copy of the signed DD 1594 to the PCO when the contract was closed? (leave blank if not applicable)
Step Action Yes No Date
Closing out an IDC
1. Once all orders are closed under an IDC type contract: Did the ACO/CA ensure that all property under the contract is accounted for and cleared?
2. Did the ACO verify the R9/55 in MOCAS (to reflect the closure of property)?
3. If the PA did not input R9/55 closed in MOCAS, the ACO can send an e-mail to the PA, requesting this action be completed. Was this step completed?
4. Once the last order under the IDC is closed, did the ACO request, on a DCMA Form 1797 to the TA, the IDC be moved from MOCAS Section 1 to Section 2?
5. Did the ACO process the closeout via the Contract Closeout etool or via MOCAS, applying a "G" and "F" NLA in the same cycle? (Same day you move the contract to Section 2, this action must be done.) This will result in the transmission of the PK9/EDI 567 to the PCO.

Contract Number: